Catching Up
Brighton beach huts
Four months from now I’ll be off on the final leg of my trip and honestly I can’t wait to have my backpack on again. Till then I’m going to work my ass off save and try to do a few trips around the country. My job at Lucky Coq is pretty great. I enjoy my coworkers and bosses and don’t even mind working past 4am. After we finish the night we sit on the upstairs patio have a few knockoffs and wind down. Getting home when the sun is already up is routine.
My new home situation is going well minus finding an entire goat hanging in my bathroom. John has a farm outside of the city and sells lamb meat out of a freezer in the house. Bazaard (from Iran) rarely hangs out of his room and I’ve seriously had one conversation with him but as I figured it’d be I’m really only home to sleep and shower.
Nothing crazy interesting is going in with my life when comparing it to India. I have Australia Day off aka their Independence Day and even though I shouldn’t spend the $ I’m going to Big Day Out, a one day music festival in Melbourne filled with a great lineup. Went to the Australian Open Tuesday. Grabbed a ground pass and a friend from StarBar and drank wine all night. We saw an hysterical legends double match where all they did was goof around and make us laugh. I had no idea tennis was funny. For the Djokovic game we camped in ridiculously comfy chairs and watched the match on the jumbo screen. The Heineken beer garden is just a big party on the lawn outside the arena and fun to booze at. I have some fun plans coming up and till then need to work my ass off and save $!
I’m sorry for all the cold weather, I’m enjoying my never ending summer
xx, Vik